samtelecom | Zater ISP |
General office | |
VoIP Provider: | samtelecom |
Address: | Lotissement EL-BORDG |
City: | Bt 2 - 2?me ?tage, n°8 |
Country: | Algeria |
State: | TIZI-OUZOU 15000 (ALGERIE) |
Zip code: | 15000 |
Phone number: | 32489875339 |
Fax number: | 33179738976 |
Email: | |
VoIP Provider URL: | |
Contact Persons | |
Name: | smartservices sam |
Position: | Sales Manager |
Mobile number: | 32489875339 |
Fax number: | 33179738976 |
Email: | |
Providers Details | |
VoIP Categories: | International VoIP Wholesale Provider, SIP Billing |
VoIP Services: | Call Routing VoIP Solutions, Installation and Support Services, Phone To Phone, SIP VoIP Gateway, Termination |
VoIP Equipments: | 2N |
VoIP Billing Softwares: | 2N |
Description: |
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