Home Estonia General Transit Telecom General Transit Telecom

General Transit Telecom

Eesti IP TelecomNorby Telecom

General office
VoIP Provider:General Transit Telecom
Zip code:13519
Phone number:+372 6 888 904
Fax number:+372 6 888 902
VoIP Provider URL:http://www.generaltransittelecom.com
Contact Persons
Name:Kate Pelevina
Position:sales manager
Phone number:+74959811670
Fax number:372 6 888 902
Providers Details
VoIP Categories:International VoIP Wholesale Provider
VoIP Services:Partnering for Origination and Termination
Description: The international telecommunication company General Transit Telecom (GTT) is created by a group of experts in telecommunication industry and unites under itself some independent companies in Estonia, Germany and Greece. Also GTT has a representative office in Russia. The company is focused on the international voice market. GTT head office is in Tallinn, Estonia. Our primary activity is targeted to provide VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) as to the Carriers as to the final customers using TDM (SS7, PRI) and VoIP (H.323, SIP) technologies. The fundament of the relationships with Partners is to provide Premium quality service. Nowadays our opportunities let us put competitive proposals using direct interconnections with all general Russia mobile Carriers.

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