Inter Telecom | Interconnect |
General office | |
VoIP Provider: | Cosmoline |
Address: | 47 Ag. Konstantinou St |
City: | Athens |
Country: | Greece |
State: | Attica |
Zip code: | 15124 |
Phone number: | +30 210 8126 000 |
Fax number: | +30 210 8126 100 |
Email: | |
Contact Persons | |
Name: | Mike Christodoulou |
Position: | International Carrier Relations Manager |
Phone number: | +30 210 8126 000 |
Mobile number: | +30 69 42 43 43 30 |
Fax number: | +30 210 8126 100 |
Email: | |
Providers Details | |
VoIP Categories: | Network Service Provider |
VoIP Services: | Phone To Phone, Termination, Call Routing VoIP Solutions, Partnering for Origination and Termination |
VoIP Equipments: | Cisco Systems |
VoIP Billing Softwares: | another |
Description: |
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