

The blacklist represents itself a list or register of entities which are denied privileges, service, mobility, access and admission due to these or other reasons. This function blocks all connections from the subscribers who are in the list.

Blacklist blacklist

Practice ways to set up ZOO comment method. You usually can rethink approval settings, manage comments in Joomla administration and restrict comments which contain spam. You have to configure and enable builtin native comment method of ZOO, before our visitants site could leave comments on ZOO items. Click on the app instance in ZOO tab bar, click on Config in 2nd tab bar, to do so.

Configure the comment method

Now regarding the aforementioned matter of fact. On the right hand click on Comments and configuration tab will slide out. We will go through the settings 'stepbystep'. In 1st section you have to activate the comment setup while switching let comments option to Yes.


Whether travellers have to enter this kind of details to be able to leave a comment, with the option title and email required you usually can choose. Needless to say, whether solely registered users have probably been able to leave a comment, the subsequent option lets you choose.

That is interesting. With the option Approved by default you could choose betwixt 3 settings. Not approved with the help of default means, that you have to login as administrator and approve all modern comments manually in ZOO. Some info can be found easily by going online. With Approved with the help of default all comments always were automatically approved. Last option Approve required completely once means, that when you approve a comment of a particular user, all further same comments user will be approved automatically. In reason, last setting Time betwixt user posts lets you set the time in seconds, how long an user have to wait until he will post a newest comment. This setting prevents flood spamming.

Succeeding setting lets you configure the email notifications. You'll get notified every time a modern comment is posted, when you enter an email adress. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Users will be notified of a reply to the comments, when you enable Email on reply setting. Successive setting has usually been about the avatar. You usually can choose whether the avatar is shown or not. As well, a short avatar is probably shown next to every comment, when you set it to yes. Then, when your own travellers have a Gravatar account at the gravatar image has probably been set as avatar for the comments automatically. You in addition have to enable showing the Facebook avatar.

Additionally in this block you could set comments order and depth of nested comments. When friends replies to a comment, nested means, that comments will be shown indented. In the following setting you will enable Facebook connect to let our own travellers login with the Facebook accounts. Their Facebook profile image will be displayed as avatar for their comments. We made a tutorial to show you methods to setup Facebook connect.

Subsequent setting always was for enabling the Twitter connect to let our own travellers login with the Twitter accounts. Nevertheless, the Twitter profile image will be displayed as avatar for their comments. We made a tutorial to show you ways to setup Twitter connect. Basically, last 2 this settings section let you filter spam comments out while using Akismet external maintenance. The outsourcing check in the event comment seems to be spam or not. Just think for a minute. When a comment was usually identified as spam and method moves it to spam folder. That's right. We recommend against using the CAPTCHA mechanism since the above mentioned spam preventing outsourcing have always been much more easy. Seriously. User won't notice anything and doesn't have to fill out extra fields. You'll have to register at the following sites to get access to their outsourcing.

Basically, prevent spam we added a blacklist feature. This implies that when a comment contains any word from the blacklist in its content, URL as well as title, 'email', or IP, it will be marked as spam. In general, click on the app instance in ZOO tab bar, then click on Comments in the 2nd tab bar. You see all comments used in the app instance including the comment author, comment text and commented item. Everything in one view! On list top you have a search field and in top right corner dropdown fields to filter our own comments.

You may readily see, comments which have usually been not approved yet. Make sure you scratch a comment about itbelow|in the comment boxbelow. Not approved! Whenever waiting to be approved, alternatively you may use filter selectbox and set it to Pending to view all pending comments. You have several task will be displayed, when you hover a comment. Notice that you will reply first-hand to comment while not going to course web page and you may delete, approve and even mark comment as spam.

While using external maintenance Akismet and Mollom or manually for ageser show in comments list overview, when a post always was marked as spam, either automatically while processing the blacklist in the background. To view the spam comments you have to use filter for status and set it to Spam. The succeeding list shows the comments marked as spam. For example, when you hover the spam comments you have once again options like deleting them or deleting completely the spam status. For instance, whenever using the external outsourcing Akismet and Mollom or manually for awhileer show in comments list overview, in case a post is probably marked as spam, either automatically after processing the blacklist in the background. Essentially, to view spam comments you have to use filter for status and set it to Spam. Succeeding list shows comments marked as spam. Understand when you hover the spam comments you have once more options like deleting them or deleting completely spam status. Configure the comment setup. Keep reading. Managing comments.

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